Friday, 3 February 2017

My shiny new Ravelry group

Earlier this week I set up a shiny new Ravelry group for my designs. The group is called Vikki Bird Designs and will be hosting all my test knits from this point forward, as well as pattern support, general chatter and knitalongs (I have grand plans for later in the year on this front, which I'm sure I'll tell you all about over the coming months).

Joining the group is easy - just click on this link, which will take you straight there (you'll need to be logged into Ravelry for the link to work. If you're reading this you probably already have an account, if you don't head to Ravelry and set one up; signing up is free and Ravelry is an excellent resource for knitters, crocheters and yarnies).

A few of my designs. Head to my Ravelry store to find out more.

I'm really hoping that the Ravelry group will allow a two-way conversation between me and anyone who is interested in my designs, as well as allowing friendships to form between like-minded people. So what are you waiting for? Head over there and introduce yourself.

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