Monday, 8 May 2017

Planning for a little me time

The past month has featured quite a lot of secret deadline knitting, and finally an end is in sight, which can only be a good thing as I have a bit of an ache in my thumb and a puncture wound on my right index finger. And I am looking forward to a couple of days that feature no knitting at all to give my hands a rest.

I do have crafting plans afoot, with some sewing on the horizon, including a dress for me (New Look 6262 in some swallow print chambray) and finishing a baby dress for a friend's toddler (a WIP that I started in January. Ought to get a move on or the small person will be rather too large for it...).

But for now it's back to the needles. Do you ever find you need to switch crafts for a day or two? Which crafts do you turn to?


I'm blogging every day in May. If you fancy reading all the posts, you can find them here.

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