Thursday, 22 November 2018

Yarnometer: September 2018

September was fairly quiet knitting-wise as I was having to juggle a new baby, but I did manage an impromptu trip to Yarndale.

Projects finished
A rainbow Baby Puerperium
I loved this project so much! Everything about it was a joy. I started it before our baby arrived, and knitted the sleeve and the neckband very, very slowly once she was here!

Socks for the Yarndale sock line
I technically missed the deadline to get these to Winwich Mum for the Yarndale Sock Line, but she kindly let me send them to her a few days late.

The ins and outs of yarn
Yarn in

  • 400 g of yarn for a stocking for the new baby
  • 250 g of yarn for a couple of pairs of Peeky Catsocks
  • 200 g from my third Knit Crate,* plus an extra 300 g as I like the yarn so much
  • 1000 g of Drops Karisma from Yarndale to make a long cardigan
  • 120 g of mini skeins from River Knits at Yarndale to use in a Buccaneer Shawl

Yarn out

  • 65 g for the Baby Puerperium
  • 81 g for the Yarndale socks

Yarn in: 2270 g
Yarn out or used: 146 g
Total: 2142 g

Year to date
Yarn in: 24 527 g
Yarn out: 12 363 g
Yarn used: 5264 g
Total: 6900 g

* Affiliate link. You'll get $10 off your first crate, and I'll get $10 towards a future purchase. I am not associated with Knit Crate, but really like their products.

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