Thursday, 15 November 2018

Yarnometer: August 2018

In August we greeted our beautiful new daughter. I did a bit of knitting, finsihed up one last commission and destashed a lot of yarn!

Projects finished
Wonder Woman wrap
I had no intention of finishing this in August. I'd cast it on as a relatively easy project I could work on with a new baby. But I found the project completely addictive and knitted and knitted until suddenly I was at the end. I only actually darned in the ends a couple of weeks ago, and it still needs blocking, but I'm really looking forward to wearing this over the coming months.

A toddler jumper
One final commission before I went on maternity leave.

Silver and lilac hat for the new baby
A last-minute baby knit before my daughter arrived. I knitted this in Paintbox Yarns Baby DK* and made this hat in a single evening.

Baby Puerperium
Once I'd knitted the hat I decided I had enough time to knit a matching cardigan, so whipped up a Baby Puerperium. I loved having the matching set ready for when our baby finally made an appearance!

The ins and outs of yarn
Yarn in
  • 100 g of self-striping yarn from Buttoned up and Pinned Down with a 20 g contrast skein. This is going to make the most amazing socks!
  • 800 g of yarn for a cushion cover
  • 200 g of yarn in my first Knit Crate** subscription
  • 200 g of yarn in my second Knit Crate subscription (which came free with the first subscription)

Yarn out
  • 2421 g to eBay. Yarn that I wasn't going to use and leftovers from other projects
  • 920 g of yarn to my Mum
  • 1100 g of odd balls to Knit for Peace
  • 250 g of yarn returned as I'd ordered too much for a project
  • 220 g of leftovers sent to the recipient of a jumper

  • 161 g: Wonder Woman wrap
  • 192 g: Tiger jumper
  • 12 g: Silver and lilac hat
  • 52 g: Baby Puerperium

Yarn in: 1320 g
Yarn out or used: 5328 g
Total: -4008 g

Year to date
Yarn in: 22 257 g
Yarn out: 12 363 g
Yarn used: 5118 g
Total: 4776 g

A frankly astonishing amount of yarn went out this month. Apparently I was in full nesting mode!

* Affiliate link.

** Affiliate link. You'll get $10 off your first crate, and I'll get $10 towards a future purchase. I am not associated with Knit Crate, but really like their products.


  1. that a baby vertebrae rather than a puerperium?
