Thursday 16 September 2021

#YarnFriendsRock 2021 - Days 8-12

Morning! Hope you're having a good week. This month I'm joining the #YarnFriendsRock challenge, hosted by @unicornpuffsandrainbows, @brightbag and @sewing_the_seeds_of_love Every day in September, I've been posting a picture to my intarsia Instagram account (@VikkiBirdDesigns_Intarsia) around a theme. Head over there to follow along. In case you missed it, here's a catch-up for Days 8-12.

Day 8: Pretty stacks

I’m a bit torn for today’s prompt… do you prefer curated stacks of pretty blankets, like in the first picture? Or a dose of realism with a pretty (hay-like) stack of yarn ends after an end weaving session?

Day 9: Inspiration  

My intarsia designs are inspired by all sorts of things: children’s toys and television programmes; the changing seasons; days out; things my kids are interested in. I love the process of going from an idea in my head to a physical knitted product. Sometimes it turns out exactly as I had originally planned, and sometimes the idea has a few tweaks along the way!

Giraffe Family pattern coming in October.

Day 10: Outdoors

One of my earliest patterns was inspired by my love of all things outdoors. The Nature’s Way Baby Blanket alternates picture squares with plain squares, and is a celebration of nature. My favourite square is the snail. He’s called Boris, and has been doodled on many of my notebooks over the years!

Day 11: Geometric

Did you know intarsia isn’t just for knitting pictures? You can also use it to make geometric patterns like on my Cuboid Blanket, which was published in @KnitNow last year. The blanket is made up of intarsia panels that are sewn together at the end, making for a portable project with a striking end result.

Image copyright Practical Publishing.

Day 12: Sunday share

For today’s Sunday share, here’s a sneak peek at some behind the scenes action! I’m currently knitting an adult-sized Rudi sweater, so that I can play matchy-matchy with at least one of my kids (not sure the big one will be on board with this plan!). I’ve gone for icy festive colours for this one, rather than my usual palette of brights, but I am loving it! If you fancy knitting your own Rudi, the children’s pattern (picture 2) is available now, and adult (and baby) versions will be following very soon...

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