Tuesday, 2 May 2023

What's happening at Vikki Bird Designs?

It’s been a while… You might have noticed that I haven’t published many patterns for over a year now… Somewhere between my children growing up, an impending 40th birthday and a global pandemic, I lost my love for designing knitting patterns.

I’m still knitting, but most of my current projects are vanilla socks, with the odd knit for my kids that I’m knitting following someone else’s pattern. And right now that’s all I need.

I started a new non-knitting job towards the end of last year, which I love. I thought I might return to designing patterns during my free time, but right now I realise that I’d rather spend my free time with my family and friends than chasing deadlines.

This is not goodbye - my patterns are all still available in the usual places and I’m still responding to pattern support requests, but I’m much quieter on social media, just sharing my personal projects when I’m in the mood. There are a couple of patterns that I started designing before I started my new job - some have samples ready to go, and I’ve even taken photographs of a couple of them. And maybe one day I’ll release them as patterns, but I’ll let you know that as and when they’re ready!

Thanks for reading. I hope all is well with you and hopefully I’ll be in touch again sometime before the end of 2023.

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