Friday, 5 November 2021

#ShowOffYourWoollySocks2021 - days 17-24

In October I wore hand-knitted socks (almost) every day, and shared them on my grid. I have a drawer full of amazing socks that are too lovely to hide in my shoes, so I celebrated them! Here are my socks from days 17-24.

Day 17

Getting in early with my Halloween Socks this year! These fab stripes are by Strawberry Fields Yarns, and I love them, even though I hate orange normally.

Day 18

Isn’t it lovely being able to wear socks you finished in the summer for the first time? I had actually forgotten about these socks that I knitted this summer. They’re modified Hygge Socks by Nordic Stitches Designs, knitted in yarns by Cuddlebums Yarns (variegated) and West Yorkshire Spinners (pink), and are lovely and cheerful. I switched the colours for the two socks, so while they’re mis-matched, they’re definitely a pair.

Days 19-20



A double dose of socky goodness today, because yesterday was very much a run around chasing my tail day. Today is much calmer. Yesterday’s socks are my Siren Song pattern in Space Cowboy by The Wool Kitchen and are the most incredible neon purple. I love them. Today’s socks are also purple, and are vanilla socks knitted in a sock set from Cuddlebums Yarn Can you tell I love purple?

Days 21-22


Another double sock offering today as I was travelling all day yesterday. I own a lot of socks knitted in Felici by Knit Picks. The yarn is so soft, and is ideal for both padding round the house, or wearing while walking all day.

Days 23-24

Have you ever worn the same socks two days in a row? I don’t often, but I got up late yesterday, and didn’t leave the house. A glance at the overflowing laundry pile may have influenced my decision I re-wear these today.

Pattern is Heel Toe Do Si Do by The Crazy Sock Lady.

Want to see my other #ShowOffYourWoollySocks2021 catch-up threads? You can find them here.

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