Sunday, 15 April 2018

The Yarnometer: March 2018

I have precisely no idea how we are already a quarter of the way through 2018, but somehow it's already time for my monthly look at the ins and outs of my stash.

I had hoped that March would be a little more restrained than February, so let's see how that went...

Projects finished

Ginger the bunny
A rather cute cuddly toy for my daughter, I really enjoyed knitting this, and you can read all about it here.

#USS strike hat
A special request from my brother, and one I was glad to knit, even if it was a bit of a pain at times. A full blog post about it is up now.

Cardigan for a magazine
One I can't share with you at the minute (which is a pity as it's super cute), but I'll be sure to show it to you later in the year.

The ins and outs of yarn

Yarn in
100 g for the #USS strike hat (not that I ended up using it)
320 g of purchases at EYF (which I'll tell you about next week)
100 g Stylecraft Special Dk so I can finish a baby blanket
800 g Aire Valley Aran to finish another project I'm working on
1000 g (yes, 1 kg!) for upcoming projects for Knit Now magazine
120 g Daffodil self-striping yarn from someone else's destash that I couldn't resist

Yarn out
98 g of cardigan leftovers passed on to my mum
289 g of crochet cloud blanket leftovers passed on to my mum
244 g of generic oddments for my mum (she likes to knit blankets and ran out of yarn when she came to visit last at the end of March)

21 g for Flora the Bunny
133 g for the sample cardigan
80 g for the #USS strike hat

Yarn in: 2440 g
Yarn out or used: 865 g
Total: 1575 g

Well that wasn't the success I was aiming for. Not helped by the projects I finished being small ones! There should be at least two blankets being finished in April, which might counterbalance it a bit, but it's also my birthday month, so I fully expect a few additions to sneak in...

Year to date (end of quarter one)
Yarn in: 7097 g
Yarn out: 2474 g
Yarn used: 1977 g
Total: 2646 g

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