Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Yarning Along: Best get the fire on

Hello! How have you been? With all my Gift-A-Long posts, I missed Yarning Along last week, and I missed not writing it. Today it is freezing, so I'm trying my hardest to get away with being snuggled up indoors away from the sleet.

The past week has been *so* busy. I spent 36 hours in London at the end of last week for an event with Love Crafts (which deserves its own post at a later date), and managed to sneak in a trip to the Tower of London, which has been on my to do list for a very long time. I loved it and was so glad it occured to me to go. I joined one of the Yeoman (beefeater) tours, which was very informative and entertaining. I learnt lots of facts to pass on to my Tudor-obsessed six year old, and found my dream home (the old hospital building). I felt a bit like a kid in a sweet shop as there were so many amazing things to look at.

Of course I got a lot of knitting done on the train (especially as the first train was running an hour behind schedule), and my Christmas socks are finally looking like they might be done in time for Christmas (but not the end of November, which was the original plan). The other project I am trying my hardest to get finished is the Christmas stocking I'm knitting for a friend's daughter. The outside is, as of last night, done, but I need to knit a lining as well, which is less interesting, but perfect for knitting while watching TV.

I am still reading Into The Water, mostly from lack of reading time (the lack of daylight at this time of year always makes me sleepy), and am finding it very interesting and well written. I am considering reading something Christmassy over advent. Any recommendations? Otherwise I'll be reading Cheer Up Love: Adventures in Depression with the Crab of Hate by Susan Calman next as it was a Kindle bargain last week.

This week's elephant in the room is my kid's advent calendars. I bought two kits from Button Box in the January sales, with the intention of making them with the kids in time for advent this year. But I totally misjudged the difficulty level. These are definitely kits for adults to make for their children, unless the kids are over about 10. There is a lot of sewing involved, lots of cutting out fiddly shapes and frankly they're on the tricky side. I'm going to dig out the ones from the cupboard (the Paintbox Yarns calendar from last year has an excellent box, and we have a felt one with pockets from M&S that I had pre-children) and hope they're not too disapppointed. The other option is to sew a pocket a day and by the end of December we'll have an advent calendar. No, I don't see that happening either!

Linking up with Rachel for Yarning Along. What are you crafting on and reading this week?

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