Sunday, 30 September 2018

Festive Cheer KAL 2018

In the knitting world we are well into the festive knitting season, whether it's knitting Christmas decorations or gifts. To celebrate that, I'm hosting a festive knitalong (KAL) in my Ravelry group* and on Instagram.

The KAL will be called the Festive Cheer KAL, and all you need to do to join in is to either knit (or crochet) a festive item, or an item that you'll be giving as a gift over the festive season, and post your progress in either the thread in my Ravelry group* or on Instagram using the hashtag #festivecheerKAL2018 (if you want to double your chances of winning, you can post in both).

The KAL will run between October 1st and November 30th 2018, but will be a very relaxed affair, so works in progress (WIPs) are included, and you don't have to finish anything, just post your progress.

I'll be drawing two winners, one from Instagram and one from my Ravelry group. The prize winners will be selected using a random number generator from all posts posted between October 1st and November 30th 2018.

Happy knitting!


The rules
1. Knit or crochet a festive item, or an item to be given as a gift over the festive season
2. Post a progress shot on Instagram using the hashtag #festivecheerkal2018
3. Post about your progress in the thread in my Ravelry group
4. Only entries posted between October 1st and November 30th 2018 will be included
5. WIPs are allowed and you don't have to finish what you're working on 
6. Two prize winners will be drawn using a random number generator: one from Instagram and one from Ravelry. You may enter on both platforms, but will only be able to win one prize
7. If entering via Instagram, to win a prize, you must be following me on Instagram
8. If entering via the Ravelry thread, to win a prize, you must be a member of the Ravelry group

*Ravelry link. You must be signed in to Ravelry for the link to work

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