Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Yarning Along: A lot of stocking stitch

The past week has been a long one. Between my two children, there has not been a whole 24 hour period where no one has been ill. Thankfully today they are finally both better, and we have been able to leave the house and get on with life as normal.

I've not felt much like knitting anything complicated for the past week, and have been very grateful to have my Pavement sweater to work on. I have completed the yoke (there was a bit of a panic about it not being long enough, but a lot of the yoke depth is added by the underarm stitches, which I hadn't taken in to account; I have tried it on and it will fit fine), and am now working on a very long stretch of plain stocking stitch. The only complicated bit is that I am alternating skeins to avoid pooling, so the jumper isn't very portable, but I'm quite happy to take it along to knit night or coffee with friends.

Book reading has been slow this week too. I'm still reading the Julia Donaldson book, and it's an easy read. I'm pretty certain I can get it finished by the weekend, provided my kids manage to sleep through every night!

Linking up with Rachel for Yarning Along. What are you knitting and reading this week?


  1. I can't wait to see this finished!

    1. Me neither! But it turns out 20 inches of stocking stitch in one colour is quite a lot! I'm really hoping I don't run out of yarn...
