Thursday 8 December 2016

Christmas countdown 2016: Days seven and eight

Day seven

Pre-Christmas panic has started to set in, so while I've done the shopping aspect of presents, the making aspect still has a way to go. Yesterday I decided to tackle this, and whipped up a hat for my friend's daughter. Handily there were no specific requests, so I decided to try out a ball of DMC Top This!, which is a yarn and pom pom set, but the pom pom is actually a tiny soft toy. I enjoyed knitting the hat, and will post a review of the yarn in the next few days.

The Christmas tree went up yesterday, much to my children's delight. We have previously had two trees, with one featuring the precious ornaments, and a second for the more generic ornaments. This year I have gone for one tree with all the decorations, and it looks lovely.

The advent calendars keep on giving, and I really like yesterday's offerings from the Opal and Paintbox yarns calendars.

Day eight

This morning I started on a hat for a friend's son. The request was very specific: a dragon hat in red, green, blue and turquoise. I am following the Dragon Hat pattern by BriAbby, which fits the bill perfectly. I need a hat by the end of today and it must be finished by the end of tomorrow. I have swatched and used five hooks and two different yarns before hitting gauge, which doesn't bode well. Fingers crossed I have something to show you by Saturday...

The advent calendar yarns today clash spectacularly. Which had to happen eventually!

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