Thursday, 24 November 2016

Knitty things to be thankful for

Today is Thanksgiving in the US, traditionally a celebration of harvest, it's now (at least in its portrayal in films and television) a celebration of everything you can be thankful for. Here in the UK we don't have such an event, but I feel that it's important to stop once in a while and take note of the things that we are thankful for. So here are five (knitty) things that I am thankful for.

1. Community
Through knitting I have found a wonderful community of very generous people, including some of my very best friends in real life, as well as connections across the globe.

2. Socks (and never a wasted moment)
Since I learnt to knit socks I have always had knitting in my handbag. Socks projects are portable, can be knitted anywhere, and can be knitted in colourways too crazy to be considered for an item of clothing that is worn more openly. I also wear all my handmade socks, while other knitted items have been known to hide at the back of the wardrobe. I really do love knitting socks!

3. Five minutes peace
When I'm feeling wound up after a long day, knitting calms me down and helps me to relax, which, let's face it, is probably beneficial to the people around me as well.

4. Feeling cosy
It's November, and every morning on the school run I am reminded of quite how cold it can get in the UK. As a knitter, cold weather is an excellent excuse to show off all the winter woollies what we've been stockpiling since the spring. Yes, on cold days I am pretty smug about my handknitted socks hidden inside my boots!

Happy Thanksgiving to those who are celebrating today and this weekend. And to everyone else, what do you have to be thankful for today?

Today's knitting (socks) with my favourite project bag and the book that inspired it. I only realised today that the book featured knitting!

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