Wednesday, 31 October 2018


From 2011 until 2017, led by the Wovember team, the knitting community coined November 'Wovember': a month-long celebration of all things wool. Earlier this year it was announced that the Wovember team would no longer be updating their blog, and that Wovember would no longer be an official event. However, they did implore the knitting community to continue with their own woolly celebrations for an unofficial Wovember.

Much of the knitting I do is for kids, and often features acrylic rather than wool, but there is one woolly item I have consistently knitted for the past few years, which definitely deserves celebrating: the hand-knitted sock. I love my hand-knitted socks. They're warmer than shop-bought socks (which are often made from cotton), and as soon as the first chill of winter makes itself known, I switch over to hand-knitted socks. Over the course of November, I am planning on wearing hand-knitted socks every day (assuming I keep up with the laundry - I don't think I have 30 pairs...), and sharing photos of them on my Instagram feed using the hashtag #showoffyourwoollysocks I'll also be gathering together the photos each week and sharing them here on my blog.

I would love it if you would join in with #showoffyourwoollysocks All you need to do is photograph your woolly-sock-clad feet every day (or every other day, or whenever you get a chance, it's totally up to you) and post the photo to Instagram using the hashtag #showoffyourwoollysocks This is just for fun, and there aren't any prizes, but I really hope that at least some of you will join in! I cannot wait to see all the woolly sock goodness!

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